Day 28 - Back at the High Chapparal

Thursday 20th July 2017

We wake up to a grey and threatening sky. Waterproofs, do we or don't we? In the end we decide to risk it but after a few miles we have to stop and wriggle into the oversuits as the rain begins.
Back on the glorious roads of Luxembourg

We are soon back on the main roads and at Metz we join the A31 autoroute  and head north to Luxembourg. The ride on the winding roads of rural Luxembourg is classic. Did I say I love this country?

On the banks of the River Sure

We stop for lunch in a small town where the main square is filled with a visiting fairground. Then we continue on to Heidershcheidergrund for another night at the High Chapparal on the banks of the River Sure. Hi Ed!

Camp at the High Chapparal


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